What I did this summer

It has been a nicely busy summer, with lots of performances in libraries, parks, my backyard, and other venues. In late July I went out to Fremont, CA for the National Storytelling Summit. I gave a workshop (Storytelling, Storywriting), was on a panel for the Youth, Educators and Storytellers Special Interest Group, and was voted in as co-chair of that group at our annual meeting.


And oh, yes, I received the International Storybridge Oracle Award. I am so very thankful to be honored by my peers. Huge thanks to Joyce Slater for nominating me. Here’s the video of the presentation and my acceptance.

I’m pleased to say that my acceptance was the shortest one of the evening.

When I got home, I remembered to write a press release for the Lawrence Journal World. The reporter, Kathy Hanks, came over and did an interview with me, which made the front page of last Saturday’s paper, above the fold.