NEW! Storynest audio story app
I am proud to have been chosen as a Founding Storyteller for this new audio stories app for children, called StoryNest. It is a growing collection of nourishing audio stories for children ages 3-9, curated by the team at StoryNest. It's a mobile app (get it from the Google Play or Apple App stores). Busy parents love audio stories, as they provide a great alternative to screen time, while building the imagination and calming the nervous systems of their children. Since they just launched, they are offering an amazing deal for the first 100 subscribers. Take a look!
You can use one of my discount codes to get the deal:
Monthly Subscription Code (get 90% off for 3 months): PRISCILLAVIP
Yearly Subscription Code (get 50% for the whole year): PRISCILLAVIP1YR
Silly and Soothing Bedtime Stories
I’m offering bedtime stories for kids age 3+ over on Patreon.
I upload a new episode every week and you can listen to any of them, at any time for $5, $10 or $15 per month (you decide what it’s worth to you). You can listen on Patreon or on your favorite podcast service, no limit to how many times you listen to each story. Each episode is one story with a little calm-down chat, audio only--we don't need more screens at bedtime, do we?
A few episodes are available to non-patrons--check out The Gunniwolf, The Ghost with the One Black Eye, Tip Tap Toe and The Cat and the Mouse and the Butter for a taste of the stories (you’ll find The Gunniwolf at the bottom of this page, too).
Kids may age out of these stories. My feelings aren’t hurt by this! Feel free to stop your patronage when that happens--and feel free to let folks with younger kids know about the stories.
Most of my storytelling work, both live and online, comes by word of mouth. If you like the stories, please spread the word!