Programs and Study Guides
Looking for a program not on this list? Priscilla has hundreds of stories in her head and lots of workshop tricks up her sleeve, so feel free to ask for what you want. She's willing to customize programs for your needs.
Study guides for teachers
Performance programs
Confetti! Lively Stories for Lively LIsteners (all ages)
In a celebration of silly and serious stories, songs and puppets, Priscilla paints pictures in your minds. Plenty of audience participation, plenty of fun! This program is designed specifically for the 2025 Summer Library Program theme, “Color our world”.
The Best (and Worst) of Beasts (all ages)
Why do dogs chase cats? Why do cats eat mice? Should a chicken marry a cockroach? Storyteller Priscilla Howe brings out her favorite animal tales, puppets, songs and stretches. Quack, snort, oink and more!
Once Upon a Time, They Lived Happily Ever After (all ages)
Priscilla brings out herfavorite folktales, songs and stretches from near and far, for all ages. It's not a puppet show, but some of her ridiculous hand puppets join in on the fun.
Creepy and Weird (age 11 and up)
Here are Priscilla’s creepier tales for older kids, perfect for teens. Beware: these stories live in the imagination long after the tale is told!
Storyteller’s Choice (all ages)
Can’t decide which program will be best for your kids? Priscilla tells her favorite stories, tailored to each group. Curriculum connections: reading, language arts, social studies.
Kindness, Compassion and Courage: Stories for Character Education (k—gr. 6)
These stories highlight specific character traits, such as kindness, courage, respect and more. After each story, Priscilla invites the listeners to reflect on the traits and how those traits might manifest in their own lives. Curriculum connections: reading, language arts, character education.
On a Dark, Dark Night: Scary Stories (all ages)
Choose your level of scariness. For young children, just enough for shivers, not enough for nightmares. Weirder and eerier for older kids and adults. Curriculum connections: reading, language arts.
Laughter Makes the World Go 'Round (pre-k—gr. 6)
Join Priscilla for a rollicking show of some of her favorite silly world folktales, stories from books and songs. Of course, a few of her ridiculous puppets come along for the ride.
Storytelling for English-Language Learners (k—gr. 3)
With a quirky mix of puppets, songs and stories, Priscilla engages kids who are learning English as a second language. She underlines the meaning in the stories with her voice, facial expressions and physicality, speaking clearly and using lots of synonyms. Curriculum connections: reading, language arts, ELL.
What Book Is That Story From? (all ages)
Priscilla sparks kids' interest in books with great stories from contemporary children's and young adult literature. Curriculum connections: reading, language arts.
Silly Stuff (preK—3rd grade)
From tee-hee to guffaw, with giggles in between, this program is not for the serious minded. Check all scowls at the door! Curriculum connections: reading, character education, language arts.
Tristan and Iseult: A Medieval Classic (gr. 6—adult)
This compelling tale of epic proportions has it all: good luck, bad choices, giants, dragons, fools, treachery and Romance. Priscilla tells the entire story in approximately 95 minutes, with a short intermission.
Shakespeare’s Inspiration (gr. 6—adult)
Where did William Shakespeare get his ideas? Priscilla tells some of the old stories that inspired some of the Bard of Avon’s best known plays, King Lear, Hamlet and Taming of the Shrew. Curriculum connections: reading, language arts, theater, literature.
Did That Really Happen? (gr. 6—adult)
Priscilla likes to say, "All my stories start with a seed of truth." In this medley of personal fiction, she tells possibly-true stories of being the seventh of seven kids, a not-always-obedient preacher's kid, a daydreamer and a world traveler. Curriculum connections: language arts, character education.
Spine-Tinglers (gr. 6—adult)
Not for the faint-of-heart, these creepy stories are for older kids and grownups. Curriculum connections: reading, language arts, character education.
The Trickster Show (gr. 4--adult)
In 2015, Priscilla traveled to Bulgaria on a Fulbright Scholarship, to search for trickster tales and animal stories. She tells her favorites, mixed with travelogue and unlikely events. Curriculum connections: language arts, character education, multicultural studies.
Blood, Guts, Spies and Fat Naked Ladies (adults)
Join Priscilla in this rollicking ride through (true-ish) stories of the year she lived behind the Iron Curtain, in Bulgaria.
Humanities Lectures for Adults
One Potato, Two Potato: Campfire Tales and Children’s Folklore in Kansas and Beyond (gr. 7—adult)
Ever wonder about the history behind some of our favorite childhood rhymes and stories? This presentation delves into a variety of children’s folklore—from playground games to counting-out rhymes to urban legends to silly campfire stories and more. This program is eligible for funding from Humanities Kansas, for Kansas nonprofit organizations (must be free and open to the public).
Grimm for Grownups (gr. 7—adult)
The Brothers Grimm collected stories that are a far cry from sweet Disney versions. This performance highlights sophisticated (and yes, a little gruesome) Grimm tales, perfect for older kids and adults.
Tricksters and Wise Women: How Stories Travel the World (gr. 5—adult)
Where do folktales come from? How do they travel? In this lively combination of performance, lecture and discussion , Priscilla gives a sense of how folktales travel and how they reflect the culture of the people who tell them.
Workshops, In-services and Residencies
These sessions are adaptable from one hour workshops to multi-day residencies.
Of Course I’m A Storyteller! Basic Storytelling (gr. 4—adult)
Priscilla focuses on kinds of stories, basic story elements, storytelling techniques, performance jitters and more. Students tell stories and are encouraged to notice story structure as well as the use of gesture, voice and the five senses. Curriculum connections: language arts, oral communication, drama.
Storytelling, Storywriting (gr. 4—adult)
There’s a world of story inside all of us waiting to be brought out. Priscilla guides participants in exploring stories, paying attention to details, the use of the senses, backstory, description, and how to paint compelling word pictures. She makes the link between oral and written stories, using demonstration, story games and fun writing exercises. This works best if Priscilla gives a storytelling performance before the writing session. Curriculum connections: language arts, oral communication, writing, drama.
Playing with Stories: Extending Family, Classroom and Library Storytelling (adults)
Expanding our story muscles is a great way to build oral and written communication skills. Priscilla teaches a variety of sure-fire story games, drawing on old tales as well as inventing new ones. This workshop is for the perennially shy as well as for the out-going participant.
Hopping On One Foot: Story Stretches, Songs and Games (preK—gr. 3)
If you’re looking for a high-action program for young children, this is it! Children will learn a variety of songs and movement activities. Curriculum connections: music, movement, language skills. This program is also available as an in-service for teachers, childcare providers and parents.
Counting, Clapping, Tapping: Fingerplays for Young Children Workshop (adults)
This workshop for early childhood educators is full of fun! Fingerplays, songs, chants perfect for teaching math concepts, encouraging small- and large-motor control, enhancing prereading skills and so much more.
Tell Your Own Story Workshop (adults)
Participants listen, laugh, and linger over memories of their lives. In telling our own stories, we discover our uniqueness, as well as our common ground. This workshop is especially fun for amateur genealogists filling in the foliage of the family tree.
Hands On, Hands In: Using Puppets with Young Children (adults)
You don’t have to be a ventriloquist to be comfortable using puppets with children. This "hands in" workshop focuses on simple hand puppet technique and style.
Tell Me Another! Storytelling for Parents and Grandparents (adults)
One of the longest-lasting gifts we can give to children is the gift of story. Whether you’re telling true stories, made-up tales or old favorite folktales, storytelling strengthens family bonds. In this participatory workshop, Priscilla offers her favorite tips and techniques for building a storytelling tradition in your family.
Happily Ever After? Telling Folktales (gr. 6—adult)
Let’s get back to basics, to the old stories told from generation to generation! In this fun and participatory workshop for adults and older kids (12+), we’ll play with tips and techniques for finding, learning, developing and telling folktales. Have a favorite? Bring it along!