Salina Arts and Humanities School Residency
Preschool through high school residency. Not open to the public.
Salina Arts and Humanities School Residency
Preschool through high school residency. Not open to the public.
Missouri Library Association
Clapping, counting and tapping: Fingerplays and songs for young children workshop. Not open to the public.
Missouri Library Association Conference
Counting, Clapping, Tapping: Fingerplays for Young Children workshop for librarians. Not open to the public.
Salina School Residency
Salina School Residency, Salina Arts and Humanities. Not open to the public.
Salina School Residency
Salina School Residency, Salina Arts and Humanities. Not open to the public.
Davidson Elementary Family Literacy Night
What book is that story from? All ages, not open to the public.
College and University Library Section of Kansas Library Association
Tricksters and Wise Women: How Stories Travel the World Luncheon Keynote. Ticketed event.
Grace ECC Workshops, Belton MO
Story Bouquet, workshop on storytelling, story stretches and songs, and puppetry. Not open to the public.
Independence (MO) School District ECE workshps
Basic storytelling and story stretches, songs and fingerplays for early childhood educators. Not open to the public.
Grace Early Childhood workshops
Story Bouquet Early Childhood Educator workshops. Not open to the public.
Salina School Residency
Salina School Residency, Salina Arts and Humanities. Not open to the public.
Southeast Elementary School summer session
Storyteller’s Choice, two sessions. Not open to the public.
Story games and puppets workshop
Oasis Kindergarten (Singapore) teacher workshop. Not open to the public.
Singapore Ministry of Education workshop
“Tell me another!” workshop for kindergarten teachers. Not open to the public.
Salina Arts and Humanities Residency
Storyteller’s Choice/Courage, Compassion and Kindness pre-k-12 schools residency. Not open to the public.
Lied Center of Kansas
Puppet Petting Zoo for Third-Grade Theater Arts Day. Not open to the public.
Dream On Productions China Tour
Storytelling for English-Language Learners. Not open to the public.
Salina Arts and Humanities Residency
Storyteller’s Choice/Courage, Compassion and Kindness pre-k-12 schools residency. Not open to the public.